[otw_shortcode_tabslayout tabs=”3″ tab_1_title=”ABSTRAK” tab_1_icon_type=”general foundicon-page” tab_1_content=”Sustainable palm oil certification is expected to lead to sustainable development and livelihood. This expectation is tested through 240 and 176 smallholders in Indonesia and Malaysia, respectively. The results show that certified smallholders have better perception and implementation of environment, economic and social aspects, enjoy higher productivity and selling price, maintain natural resources quality, more resistant in coping production and price fluctuations, and more prepared for replanting.” tab_2_title=”AUTHOR(S)” tab_2_icon_type=”general foundicon-address-book” tab_2_content=”Diana Chalil, Shaufique F Sidique, and Riantri Barus” tab_3_title=”DOWNLOAD” tab_3_icon_type=”general foundicon-page” tab_3_content=”Makalah Dipublikasikan pada <a href=’https://ejournal.unib.ac.id/index.php/agrisep/article/view/7079′>Jurnal AGRISEP Vol. 18, No. 2, 2019</a>”]