The oil palm-cattle integrated system (Sistem Integrasi Sawit – Sapi/SISKA) is a national program that aims to support food self-sufficiency. However, not many SISKA programs have survived as they are considered less profitable. Based on this, the CSSPO consortium (USU, UNJA, and UNIMAL), together with the Master of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, USU, PERHEPI Medan Regional Commission, and PERHEPI Padang Regional Commission held a Workshop themed “Oil Palm-Cattle Integrated System”.
The workshop involved various stakeholders and produced a formula that was outlined in a policy brief. This formula was submitted to policymakers to used as input to improve the oil palm-livestock integration model. This workshop was held on:
Day/Date : Thursday/6 July 2017
Place : IMT-GT Room, Academic Administration Bureau Building (Rector’s Bureau), USU
Time : 08.00 WIB-15.00 WIB
The materials presented by the speakers can be downloaded using the links below.
Erizal Jamal_KEMENTAN
Alexander Maha_PTPN III
Benjamin Hutagalung_Asian Agri
Askardya Patrianov_Pemprov Riau
Tatang M Ibrahim_BPTP SUMUT
Yanhendri_BPTUHPT Sumbar
The results of the workshop are presented in the formulation of a Policy Brief which can be downloaded using the links below.