
In collaboration with Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), the Consortium Studies on Smallholder Palm Oil (CSSPO) held the 2018 CSSPO International Conference, which took place at Imperial Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, from July 9 to 11, 2018. The conference with the theme “Harmonizing Environmental Social and Economic Dimensions: Is It Possible?” is fully supported by the Sarawak Convention Bureau (SCB).

The Indonesian Consul General in Kuching, Muhammad Abdullah, officially opened the conference. Notable participants included the Head of the Perhepi Head Office, Prof Dr. Hermanto Siregar, and the ILO National Project Coordinator, Yunirwan Gah. The four keynote speakers, Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi, Member of the Indonesian Advisory Board and Green Fund, Prof. Alain Rival, President Director for South East Asia Island Countries, and the Focal Point for Oil Palm Research – CIRAD from France, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq from the Institute of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Pakistan, and Prof. Dr. Datuk Mad Nasir Shamsudin from the Department of Agribusiness and Bioresource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia represented four noteworthy countries in the palm oil industry.


In addition, the conference was also attended by the Vice Rector IV for Information, Planning, and Development of USU, Prof. Dr. Ir Bustami Syam, MSME, the Vice-Rector for Cooperation, Communication and Information of UNJA, Prof. Dr. Ir. Zulkifli Alamsyah, MSc, the Vice-Rector for Cooperation of UNIMAL, Jullimursyida, Ph. D and the Director of Basic Agricultural and Food Studies of UPM, Shaufique Fahmi Sidique, Ph.D.

The seminar continued with parallel classes on the results of studies from researchers from USU, UNJA, UNIMAL, UPM, UNAND, UI, ITB, IPB, CIFOR, Federal University, Taraba State University, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember, Universitas Lampung, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar-Pakistan, Universitas Halu Oleo, Nanyang Technological University, and Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University.


This annual conference aims to be a forum for disseminating the results of various research and collaborations. CSPPO was formed in 2015 with five universities as its members, namely Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Jambi, and Universitas Malikussaleh from Indonesia, Universiti Putra Malaysia from Malaysia and Prince of Songkla University from Thailand. The vision of CSSPO is to produce research that can improve the position of smallholders in the global supply chain, contributing to inclusive and sustainable agriculture.

The conference finished with a field trip to Bako National Park on July 11, 2018. This seminar aims to become an open forum for participants to discuss various alternative businesses and strategies for harmonizing environmental, economic, and social aspects to achieve inclusive and sustainable agriculture.


Source: https://www.usu.ac.id/id/1799-csspo-dan-cirad-gelar-csspo-international-conference-di-sarawak.html

Presentation materials from keynote speakers can be downloaded using the links below.

Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi (Harmonizing Economic, Social, and Environment Sustainability: Possible and Feasible

Prof. Alain Rival (Certifying Sustainable Palm Oil The European paradox(es))

Prof. Muhammad Ashfaq (Economic And social dimensions of edible oil Demand in Pakistan)

Prof. Mad Nasir Shamsudin  (Agricultural Development and Environment: on Parallel Track or Collision Course?)