
CSSPO was established in 2015. The consortium specializes in palm oil research. Its members consist of five universities representing the three member countries, namely Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universias Jambi, Universitas Malikussaleh, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Prince of Songkla University.  To introduce and expand the consortium membership, CSSPO held a Palm Oil Research Consortium Workshop on 27 May 2016.

This workshop aims to socialize the vision and mission of the consortium in developing research and networking, especially those related to increasing the involvement of smallholders in the global value chain. Participants include academics, researchers, practitioners, plantation companies, and smallholders from various agencies and regions. In his opening speech, the Chairman of the Indonesian Palm Oil Board, Derom Bangun, welcomed the consortium and hopes that the consortium will produce research that can improve the welfare of oil palm smallholders. In addition, the President Director of the Indonesian Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency, Bayu Krisnamurthi, hopes that the consortium produces research that will be used as guidelines for developing solutions and policies for empowerment programs and improve the welfare of oil palm smallholders.

SUR_9052   SUR_9083


Materials from Keynote Speaker can be downloaded using the links below.

  1. Join Us_CSPO
  2. Arsyad_BAPPEDA
  3. Herawati_DISBUN
  4. Herdradjat_ISPO
  5. Julian Helmi_BANK SUMUT
  6. Pengarapen Gurusinga_ASIAN AGRI
  7. Rustamari_KUD JAYA MAKMUR
  8. Sunarno_AMANAH